2024-25 Season of Music at Third Church–a yearlong series of musical offerings generously supported by a variety of funds, parishioners, and supporters of Third Presbyterian Church.
Download 2024-25 thirdArts Music Series brochure
Join the Choral Scholars and clergy lead this service of Choral Evensong in the Chapel, as they sing music by English Renaissance composers.
Canticles: Short Service (William Byrd)
Anthem: O Sing Joyfully (Adrien Batten)
Psalm: 124 (1-8)
Join the Chancel Choir & Clergy for this service of Choral Evensong in the Sanctuary.
Canticles: Service in C (Charles V. Stanford)
Anthem: Jesu, the very thought of thee (Paul Halley)
Psalm: 23
As we remember those who we have loved and lost, we invite you to sing Fauré’s sublime ‘Requiem’ (Op. 48). Rehearsal begins at 2pm. Contact James Kealey to sign up to sing.
Join the Chancel Choir & clergy for this service of Choral Evensong as they sing music honoring the Reign of Christ, and the Thanksgiving holiday. Canticles: First Service (Philip Moore) Anthem: King of Glory, King of Peace (Harold Friedell) Psalm: 132 (1-12)
Join the Chancel Choir as they sing Kreek’s Notebook by Estonian Composer, Tõnu Kõrvits. The work, accompanied by Orchestra is based on Estonian folk hymns, an unusual variant of folk melodies, telling the story of Christ’s life. A special offering will be collected to support the costs of this musical performance, in addition to generous support from Janet S. Reed
Join the congregation of Third Church in the singing of favorite Advent and Christmas Carols following the conclusion of Worship. Refreshments will be served in the Celebration Center, and you’ll have the opportunity to request your favorite carols in the weeks leading up to the event.
We’re excited to offer the 15th biennial Boar’s Head and Yule Log Festival to the congregation and community in two performances. Replete with glorious music, pageantry, costumes, Royal Court, dancers, woodsmen & elves, culminating in the appearance of the Holy Family, and Three Kings, this is a beloved tradition at Third which we share with the wider community. Donations will be accepted at the door.
We are pleased to once again team up with professional musicians in the Rochester area to provide this concert which generates food and monetary donations to support the work of Foodlink. Music will be offered by local musicians, including musicians of Third Church. Admission is by donation of non-perishable food items or funds to support Foodlink.
For more than a century, the St. Olaf Choir has set the gold standard for choral singing, performing for millions around the world. Composed of 75 mixed voices, the St. Olaf Choir is hailed as one of the nation’s premier a cappella ensembles, renowned for its artistry and beauty of sound. Tickets are available at stolaf.edu/tickets/choir or 800-363-5487.
Join the Chancel Choir for this service of Choral Evensong in the Chapel, as they sing music by Irish composer Charles Villiers Stanford. Canticles: Service in B flat (Charles V. Stanford) Anthem: O for a closer walk with God (Charles V. Stanford)
We welcome renowned organist Cherry Rhodes to play the 1952 Austin Organ housed in our Sanctuary. This recital is in collaboration with the American Guild of Organists, Rochester Chapter, and the Rochester Celebrity Organ Recital Series
We welcome back former Assistant Organist Caroline Robinson to play this year’s recital given in honor of Peter and Mary DuBois. Caroline will play a varied program on the Sanctuary pipe organ. Funded by a gift from Mary E. Lundberg & Paul T. McArthur.
Join the Chancel Choir as they sing Five Mystical Songs by Ralph Vaughan Williams, accompanied by Chamber Orchestra. The work sets four poems by seventeenth-century Welsh poet and Anglican priest George Herbert, from his 1633 collection The Temple: Sacred Poems.
A special offering will be collected to support the costs of this musical performance
Join the Chancel Choir for their final Choral Evensong of the program year. Music by David Briggs, Jonathan Dove, and others will be offered at this ancient service, taking its roots from the monastic office.
Canticles: Trinity Service (David Briggs)
Anthem: Seek Him That Maketh the Seven Stars (Jonathan Dove)
Join us for our second annual ‘Concert for Justice’, joining with musical ensembles and charities from across the city as we raise awareness & funds for charities associated with Wilson Commencement Park, fair and equitable housing in our city, and a just and lasting peace in Israel-Palestine. All proceeds raised will directly support the charities associated with today’s concert.