John Dorhauer, author of Beyond Resistance: The Institutional Church Meets the Postmodern World, “Zooms in” to share learnings from this book. This presentation and Q&A interaction is offered via Zoom and can be experienced in-person or online.
Hosted by the Healthier Congregations Coordinating Council.
In-Person Option
Perinton Presbyterian Church | 6511 Pittsford Palmyra Rd, Fairport, NY 14450
- 9:30 a.m. Check-in opens
- 10 Opening & online presentation
- 10:45 Q&A
- 11:30 Closing
- 11:35 Table discussions with optional lunch
- 12:30 Closing
- The deadline for ordering lunch has passed, but you are welcome to bring your own lunch if you choose and to stay for the debrief conversation following the discussion
Online Option via Zoom
Zoom link sent to registrants by 11/15/23
- 9:50 a.m. Zoom room opens
- 10 Opening & online presentation
- 10:45 Q&A
- 11:30 Closing
- No charge to participate via Zoom
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