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Event Series Event Series: Boundaries Awareness Training: 2 Parts

Boundaries Awareness Training: 2 Parts

October 30 @ 9:00 am - 11:30 pm

The Presbytery of Genesee Valley invites Pastors, Commissioned Ruling Elders, Christian Educators and other ministry leaders to a safe space to explore where boundaries are beneficial in our ministry together and what the creation of healthy boundaries might look like in our own settings. Led by The Rev. Dr. Janice Fitzgerald who has been certified in Boundaries Awareness Training by the FaithTrust Institute, we will explore some of the boundaries that can prove beneficial in our ministries in areas including: personal space and safety, finances, social media, personal relationships, sexuality and self-care.

This online training opportunity is being provided to fulfill the requirement for ministry leaders to complete Boundaries Awareness training every three (3) years.*  It is being offered three different times this year. Please sign up now for the series that will best fit your schedule. Registration is limited to 30 persons per session. After you register, you will be notified if your registration is accepted and sent a Zoom link.  

Note:  if you have completed a 4-5 hour Boundaries Awareness Training course since January 2020, a shorter REFRESHER Course is being offered for you this fall. If you did not do this training with Janice Fitzgerald, you will need to submit a Certificate of Completion for your previous training.


Basic Boundary Awareness Training (5 hours total), online via Zoom

Last Option in 2024: Wednesdays, October 30 and November 6, 2024, 9 – 11:30 a.m.

Note:  You must attend both classes to complete the training.


Register Here OR copy and paste this link in your search bar: https://forms.gle/LwqrGgX7KQutaW1LA



Refresher Boundary Awareness Training  (3 hours), online via Zoom

Option #1:  Thursday, September 19, 2024  from 9 a.m. – noon

Option #2:  Wednesday, October 16, 2021  from 1 – 4 p.m. 


Questions? Contact: Janice Fitzgerald janicef.interim@gmail.com

* Please note that Boundaries Awareness Training is not the same as NYS Sexual Harassment training and is not the same as Sexual Misconduct Prevention Policy Training.  They are all required–but different.


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