Healthy Pastoral Leaders
Healthy Pastoral Leaders
The Healthy Pastoral Leaders Team supports and serves pastoral leaders, churches in transition, and ministry candidates. The Healthy Pastoral Leaders Team promotes the well-being and effective functioning of the Presbytery and its leaders through the work of each committee as outlined below. Leaders and members of the Healthy Pastoral Leaders Team are encouraged to communicate regularly with each other on matters of common interest and concern. Leaders are encouraged to meet at least annually to discuss an overview of the work in which the committees are engaged, identifying overlapping responsibilities and concerns, and developing a plan to coordinate their work.
Members of the standing committees are nominated by the Committee on Representation, elected by the Presbytery, and ordinarily serve three-year terms on a rotational basis.
Committee on Ministry (COM)
The Committee on Ministry furthers spiritual and temporal welfare of congregations, ministers, certified Christian educators, and commissioned lay pastors of the Presbytery. Responsible for churches going through pastoral transitions.
The Presbytery shall elect a Committee on Ministry, which shall function as the pastor, counselor and advisor according to the Form of Government G-3.0307. In its work the Committee on Ministry shall seek to be open at all times to communication regarding the life and ministries of the Presbytery’s congregations and minister members; and to further the spiritual and temporal welfare of congregations, ministers, certified Christian educators, and commissioned pastors of the Presbytery.
Full Description
See: Job Descriptions for Standing Committees/Commissions of the Presbytery”, of the PGV Policies and Procedures Manual.
24 members, comprised of half clergy and half elders. Terms are 3 years, unless filling a vacancy. Elected in July for August 1 start. Ex-officio members are the executive presbyter and stated clerk.
1st Tuesday at 9:15 a.m.
Twyla Boyer, leadership team
Jeff Fox-Kline, leadership team
Bill Haake, leadership team
Charles Roberts, leadership team
Bethany Benz-Whittington, Stated Clerk
Committee Listing
Directory (directory password required)
Associated Resources
PGV Liaisons to Churches
COM Resources – for all churches
COM Resources – for churches in transition
Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM)
The Committee on Preparation for Ministry assists inquirers and candidates as they prepare to become Ministers of the Word and Sacrament.
To enter into a covenant relationship with those preparing to become Ministers of the Word and Sacrament so as to ensure that those who are to be ordained receive full preparation for their task. The Committee on Preparation for Ministry not only assists inquirers and candidates as they prepare for ministry but it also provides nurture and care for those enrolled as inquirers or under care as candidates.
Full description
See: Job Descriptions for Standing Committees/Commissions of the Presbytery” in the PGV Policies and Procedures Manual.
6-10 members, in terms of 3 years, renewable. Elected in July for August 1 start.
2nd Wednesday 7 p.m.
Walter Stuber, chair
John Odom, executive presbyter
Committee Listing
Directory (directory password required)
Associated Resources
Committee on Preparation for Ministry Documents
Leader Care & Development
The Presbytery is in the process of discerning the best ways to support our pastoral leaders and to promote healthier, more vital, and sustainable congregations. As we move into God’s future, strategies for addressing our pastoral care needs may include intentional supports that build relationships, opportunities for growth, and ways to facilitate the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical well-being of our pastoral leaders–essentials for enhancing the health and life of our Presbytery and congregations.
As this discernment takes place, the conduit for pastoral care and support utilizes the existing network among all PGV clergy and CPs.
The procedure for sharing requests is as follows:
- When a need has been identified and details have been verified, get consent to share the need and request
- Determine the nature of support desired from PGV clergy and CP colleagues: prayers, a visit, a meal or meals, cards or emails of support—secure current preferred contact info
- PGV clergy and CPs can use the listserv to distribute the message; NOTE: This goes to ALL clergy and CPs on the listserv
- Those who are not a member of this listserv should contact their pastoral leader for assistance
Blessings to all as we enter this way of caring for one another.