Winter Blessings, Rochester-style

As a new Rochesterian, February is shaping up to be a cruel month. Just when I thought winter might be easing up, every other day there’s snow. Lake-effect snow, synoptic snow (didn’t even know that was a thing), heavy wet snow, light fluffy snow. You can imagine,...

Presbytery Meeting in Brief

The presbytery gathered Tuesday, January 30, via Zoom to engage God’s work and mission through the Presbytery of Genesee Valley’s 52 congregations and three new worshipping communities. The following are some key actions and events:   Remembered ruling and...

Camp Whitman Sunday & more

CAMP WHITMAN SUNDAY IS ALMOST HERE!! The PCUSA sets aside certain Sundays for special emphasis and February 9 is Camp Sunday! At Camp Whitman we appreciate your prayers for our ministry as we provide a safe space where people gather to experience mercy and grace. For...