The First Presbyterian Church of Mahopac seeks candidates for a part-time solo, installed pastor position. Located in suburban Putnam County, NY, about 1.5 hours north of Manhattan, our church has approximately 100 members with average Sunday attendance of 30–50 parishioners in person. Regular attendees comprise retirees, young families and, during summers and holidays, college students. Our Sunday service is broadcast live on YouTube. We find commonality and a “church family” in humor, service of faith-based fellowship and missions. We have an active and growing Nursery School.


Our church is seeking a part-time (25 hours per week) installed pastor who will be responsible for: (i) preparing and leading weekly worship (one service per week plus special services during Easter and Christmas seasons), including delivery of a children’s sermon and a general sermon; (ii) moderating the Session; (iii) collaborating with a part-time accompanist, church administrator and financial secretary; (iv) supervising and attending monthly Board of Deacons meetings; (v) providing pastoral care (hospital, homebound and crisis visits); (vi) empowering the congregation to develop and execute a curriculum for adult Christian education and Sunday School programming; and (vii) growing partnerships with neighboring bodies of faith.


Effective compensation includes annual cash salary of approximately $23,500 and standard pension / medical benefits. There also is a recently renovated four bedroom, 2.5 bath manse that is values at approximately $17,000 per year. The manse is adjacent to the church and school facilities.


Our search for a pastor and leader begins with a grounding in faith and the teachings of the Presbytery – as a Congregation, we are united first and foremost in our search for truth in the Word of God as interpreted through the Bible. We expect a pastor to bring a rich and inspired experience to our members collectively and on a personal level, through sermons, adult and adolescent / child education, and leadership grounded in faith of our governance bodies including Session and the Board of Deacons.


We expect our pastor to expand upon faith-based leadership by casting a vision and leading the church toward realization of that vision. This includes encouraging our members and the extended community to join in church activities: music programs; mission work; using technology to expand our reach; and inspire engagement, fundraising work, and community fellowship.


As our church seeks to grow in its understanding of stewardship in all forms, we seek a pastor who will motivate us to increase financial giving and our monetary resources (e.g., through grants, fundraising, etc.) for building upgrades, community outreach, mission work, and staff / programming expansions.


We expect a called pastor to be responsible for developing worship and educational programming, and empowering church staff and volunteers with appropriate training. Such programming is generally expected to encompass adult Bible Study, Sunday School, and uplifting faith-based sermons.


Candidates for this position should be skilled in inspiring the support and leadership of our members – we are capable, talented, and driven. We are seeking guidance and motivation so our members can embrace and expand their own talents and leadership capabilities.

Contact: Heather Strickland, PNC Chair, (914) 391-8870