The worship service will be led by Acts of Faith participants from various locations around the country much as they do with their weekly eWorship services. The Acts of Faith model was created by South Presbyterian Church as a 21st century embodiment of the first century Christian community. Recordings of their worship services can be found on YouTube at South Church Rochester as well as video interviews with participants and more information about this ministry at


The Acts of Faith Community includes Bible Studies, a Bell Choir and a Vocal Choir, the Food for Thought community book group, the New Life Emergency Food Cupboard, an active online eWorship program, a DVD Worship ministry for those who don’t have internet connection, and Sunday services which are part of the 1001 New Worship Communities initiative called Fellowship of Faith. No longer occupying a traditional church building, South Presbyterian has found its mission in the Acts of Faith Model of Ministry where small, organic, grassroots groups explore their call to mission and spirituality with each other. As a result, South’s Acts of Faith Community has almost 100 people in worship every week in one location or another, and 17 active ministries with participants in Washington state, Utah, Texas, Arizona, North Carolina, New Jersey, and other parts of New York state.